
Best Premium and Simple blogger templates For Blogspot
Best Premium and Simple blogger templates For Blogspot:
Blogger Templates/Theme:
Newspaper Blogger Template
Viral Premium Theme/Template
We know that if we are starting a website and blog, then, first of all, the look of your website or blog matters how your website is looking. So today in this post we will provide you some simple and premium looking blogger templates or we can say blog themes.
Blogspot Vs Hosting and the Templates:
There is two way to host or public your website or blog on the internet firstly you can start with the blogger which is free and another one is you can buy a hosting according to your need similarly there are two types of templates one is for blogger which is in XML file and another one is for Wordpress which is on the zip file extension or you can manually create a template or upload on the hosting to public your website.
Premium theme Vs Free theme:
There are two types of the theme also first one is a premium theme and another one is free and there are huge differences in the premium theme and the free theme because in the free theme there is the encrypted script and you can not change the footer credit and many javascript which slow your website and there is a chance of malware if you get it for the unauthentic site and another template or theme is a premium theme which is lightweight and responsive and has many features and you can also change the footer credit these are some of few differences in the free theme and the premium one but as we know the premium theme is very expensive and most of the people are unable to buy these theme that's why they go to the free theme that's why we provide the best premium blooger templates for the very cheap price which is less than a dollar and most of the people can afford the template.
Remove Footer credit in the free theme
Removing the footer credit in the free theme is technically not possible if you don't have the high level of coding and most of the people search on the youtube about how to remove the footer credit in the free theme what they do is just hide the footer credit of the theme maker and insert your footer credit which is working but this not ok because this not make the template premium because there is still an encrypted script which slows down your website or blog and they get their backlink as well as so, if you want to do in the field of blogging I suggest you buy the blogger templates.
Is Theme or Templates Matters In The Approval for the google Adsense
In my opinion templates matters in the approval for your AdSense and it doesn't matter that you are using a free theme or the premium theme because AdSense approval all depends on your content if your content violates the policy of google Adsense you didn't get the AdSense approval but yes theme or templates matters in the approval of the Google Adsense and the templates we provide is ready for AdSense approved blogger templates.
Templates According to the niche of your website or blog
Templates are also depended on the blog or WordPress niche because your niche is newspaper website and you use the app website or software website templates this is not working anymore firstly you have to decide your niche according to your interest and choose the templates according to your needs we provide the two templates one is more the news website and the template name in the newspaper for the blogger and another one can be fixed in any website niche and theme name is the viral premium theme so, firstly you have to specify the niche of the website or blog and choose the blogger templates according to your niche it helps for SEO or visual look for your website.
To conclude this post I would like to say that if you want to do best in the career of the blogging start investing and the theme is on the most important in blogger or for your website also so, go for it.
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